Messaggi in bottiglia

Storia dei messaggi in bottiglia. Quotidiano L'Unione Sarda, pagina della cultura, 18 agosto 2006

Bottle message drifts 9,000 miles - 19 January 2006
A four-year-old girl's message in a bottle would have "needed help" to get from Lancashire to Western Australia in six months, an expert has said.
A message in a bottle thrown into the sea by a four-year-old as part of a nursery school project has been found 9,000 miles away in Western Australia.

Message in a bottle 'got a lift' - 20 January 2006
A four-year-old girl's message in a bottle would have "needed help" to get from Lancashire to Western Australia in six months, an expert has said.

Message in bottle travels from UK to Australia

British girl's message in a bottle makes it to Australia


Anonimo ha detto…
Messaggio in bottigla partito dal faro del portocanale di Cagliari il 21.08.06

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