Transmission of pictures. Author: Augusto Bissiri. Patented: May 14, 1929.

Inventors: Augusto, Bissiri

Application Number: US24453128A

Publication Date: 05/14/1929


May 14, 1929. A. BlSSlRI TRANSMISSION OF PICTURES My invention relates to the transmission of pictures or the like, and has for its principal object the provision of an improved apparatus and method of operation whereby pictures may be readily transmitted from one point to another.

In the past, various picture transmitting apparatus comprising either a radio transmitter and receiver or a transmitter and receiver interconnected by electrical conductors have been provided. Many of these apparatus involve the use of both means for producing a light dependent on the shade of the picture to be transmitted and means for converting such light into electrical impulses which must be reconverted to light at the receiving station. Such apparatus is not altogether satisfactory because it is, more or less complicated in structure and-involves variable illumination and visibility of the screen on which the picture is reproduced. In accordance with my invention, these difficulties are largely avoided or altogether illuminated screen which is arranged to its contour and shading varied in accordance with the shading of the picture.

My invention will be better understood from the following description when considered in connection with the accompan ing drawings and its scope will be pointed out in the appended claims.

Referring to the drawings, Fig. 1 shows a picture producing apparatus wherein my invention as been embodied; and Figs. 2 to 6 illustrate various details in the construction of this receiving apparatus.

This apparatus comprises a screen 1 which is arranged to be continuously illuminated by suitable light sources 2 and 3 and is provided with a plurality of movable elements controlled by commutator-s or contact making devices 4 and 5 connected to a radio receiver through cables 7 and 8. 

The commutators 4 and 5 are mechanically coupled together through gears 9 to 12 for t e purpose of maintaining a definite. relation between their seeds of rotation and are arran ed to be riven by a motor 13 which is coup ed to the gear 11 and is operated in synchronism with a picture transmitting apparatus (not shown). 

Each of the squares in the screen 1 represents one of a plurality of elemental surfaces which are controlled by the commutators 4 and 5 and may be moved in a direction perpendicular to the screen surface for the purpose of varying the amount of light reflected from them.


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