Menzione speciale a Jurre Hermans (11 anni) per il Premio Internazionale Wolfson Economics

Un bambino di 11 anni ha ricevuto la Menzione Speciale al premio internazionale Wolfson Economics. Jurre Hermans frequenta la prima media a Breedenbroek (Olanda) e ha deciso di partecipare alla competizione dopo aver letto sul portale per ragazzi Jeugdjournaal la domanda contenuta nel bando del concorso: «Se stati membri lasciano l'Unione monetaria quale sarebbe il modo migliore per assicurare che avvenga nel modo più stabile possibile per il resto dei componenti?».
Il progetto di Jurre (riporto sotto il testo integrale della lettera spedita dal bambino e il disegno) ipotizza che la Grecia lasci l'Euro e ritorni alla Dracma. Il bambino olandese, scelto tra 452 candidati, ha ricevuto il premio di 100 Euro messo in palio dal Wolfson Economics Prize oer la Menzione Speciale. Jurre Hermans ha proposto che tutti i greci portino i propri euro in banca ricevendo in cambio dracme, la loro vecchia moneta, mentre la banca gira i soldi in euro allo stato: "Tutti quegli euro formano una pizza. Ora, il governo greco può iniziare a pagare tutti i suoi debiti, perché chiunque ha un debito prende una fetta di pizza".
Il concorso è stato ideato anno fa dall'uomo d'affari britannico Simon Wolfson of Aspley Guise e rappresenta il secondo premio (al vincitore vanno 286.000 euro) assegnato a un economista dopo il Nobel.
Andrea Mameli 7 aprile 2012
La lista completa dei premiati:
Catherine Dobbs - The NEWNEY approach to unscrambling the Euro
Roger Bootle - Leaving the euro: A practical guide
Jonathan Tepper - A Primer on the Euro Breakup: Default, Exit and Devaluation as the Optimal Solution
Jens Nordvig - Planning for an orderly break-up of the European Monetary Union
Neil Record - If member states leave the Economic and Monetary Union, what is the best way for the economic process to be managed to provide the soundest foundation for the future growth and prosperity of the current membership?

La lettera di Jurre:

Dear Sir and Madam,
My name is Jurre Hermans. I am 10 years old and live in the Netherlands. I am quite worried about the eurocrisis and look at the TV news daily. The eurocrisis is a big problem. I think about solutions. Since I read in the newspaper about your price, I thought that I would like to submit my idea. The idea might fit. So here it is: I made a picture of my solution and I will explain it to you.
Greece should leave the Euro. How do you do that?
All Greek people should bring their Euro to the bank. They put it in an exchange machine (see left on my picture). You see, the Greek guy does not look happy!! The Greek man gets back Greek Drachme from the bank, their old currency. The Bank gives all these euro's to the Greek Government (see topleft on my picture). All these euros together form a pancake or a pizza(see on top in the picture). Now the Greek government can start to pay back all their debts, everyone who has a debt gets a slice of the pizza. You see that all these euro's in the pizza's go the companies and banks who have given loans in Greece (see right in my picture).
Now here comes the clever part of my idea:
The Greek people do not want to exchange their Euro's for Drachmes because they know that this Drachme will lose its value dramatically. They try to keep or hide their Euro's. They know that if they wait a while they will get more Drachmes.
So if a Greek man tries to keep his Euros(or bring his euros to a bank in an other country like Holland orn Germany) and it is discovered, he gets a penalty just as high or double as the whole amount in euros he tried to hide!!!v In this way I ensure that all Greeks bring their euros to a greek bank and so the greek government can pay back all the debts. I hope my idea helps you!!!!
Of course if a country has paid back all his debts , he can return to the eurozone.
A bit more about myself: I am 10, love animals since I have a dog and a bird. I live in a family of 5 in Holland. I have 5 friends with whom I play all day, mostly outside.
PS: My father helped me with my English translation as I speak Dutch
greetings from Holland,
Jurre Herman



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