Climate Change Communication Award "Rebecca Ballestra": deadline 15/6/2023

La partecipazione al premio internazionale Climate Change Communication "Rebecca Ballestra", promosso dal Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici con il patrocinio del Consolato Onorario di Monaco a Venezia e dell'Università Ca' Foscari si chiude il 15 giugno 2023.
I progetti candidati verranno valutati da una giuria internazionale di esperti che assegnerà un premio di 5000 Euro alla migliore iniziativa.

The CMCC Climate Change Communication Award “Rebecca Ballestra” aims to showcase and promote the most creative and impactful initiatives that: increase public awareness on climate change and its interactions with society, the economy, the environment, and policy-making process; disseminate science-based information and data related to climate change through the application of innovative ideas, technologies and methodologies in the field of media, journalism, and communication at large; communicate the threats and opportunities posed by the climate change challenge using multiple languages and innovative mediums, including journalism, art, visuals and music; trigger action in the audiences addressed, including students, consumers, businesses and politicians. 

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